Australians Voted YES

Through research, literature studies and video footage, senior Blackalls Public School students have been learning about an important decision made fifty years ago.

On 27 May 1967, Australians voted overwhelmingly to make changes to the Australian Constitution whereby Indigenous people would be included in the Commonwealth census, and the Commonwealth was allowed to make special laws for Indigenous Australians.

Classroom opinions

“I think everybody is important and they should be treated fairly and with respect”, wrote Wilson E.

Kloie T voiced, “Everyone should have rights and we should show everyone respect and loyalty”.

“I think that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples should have the same rights as other Australians. Everyone should be counted as equal”, expressed Crystal M.

“Everyone has the right, and need, to be treated fairly”, concluded Owen C.

Story contributed by Nicole Wotherspoon-Brown from Blackalls Park Public School. Published in 2017.